January 1, 2016

I am not a big proponent of New Year’s Resolutions. We tend to set lofty, unachievable goals and roughly one out of three resolutions gets tossed aside by the end of January. And 73% of resolution makers never achieve their goals… Rather than making New Year’s Resolutions, I work to continually improve myself – the way I treat and react to others, my communication, my parenting, etc. and I am always learning and implementing new health habits.

However, after receiving the Christmas card below from one of my local farmers, I am going to encourage you to make a personal resolution to get to know a farmer in 2016! You will get the freshest, best tasting foods from local farmers at the lowest prices. Buying direct from farmer’s give you the opportunity to ask questions and see for yourself how your food was produced and make informed decisions.

Wherever you live there is a farmer or farmer’s market near you.

Binghamton’s Otsiningo Farmer’s Market is a year round affair. Currently, farmer’s sell their wares every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month in the Metro Center, 49 Court Street, Binghamton. The Otsiningo Farmer’s Market will move outdoors from May to October and the offerings will expand.

The Ithaca Farmer’s Market is touted as one of the best markets in all of New York State and they also have a winter market, every Saturday from 11a-2p.

Even Oxford, NY has a year round farmer’s market with their winter market being held at St. Paul’s Church the first Saturday of every month. (This market uses only a Facebook page so I can’t link.)

Christmas Cow 2 Christmas Cow back 2

Farmers are among us, get to know one!

Be well and love the earth,
