In late February of 2021, I believe I had COVID-19. While I didn’t get tested for it, two members of my immediate household did test positive and I was in the house with them, in close quarters for many weeks. I presented with the classic COVID symptoms of complete loss of taste and smell for 6 days and also my energy was notably lower.

When I looked on the CDC website for information to treat COVID at home, there was very little available, basically rest and take acetaminophen (I believe that was the OTC that is recommended). I was resting by taking it easy, but just popping acetaminophen didn’t seem like a good idea to me, nor do I keep any in my home. So I searched the interwebs and found some useful information on treating COVID from other countries. I also searched on, a US database of all published medical research and found there was much research on nutrient deficiencies with COVID.

Here are the things I did to treat my COVID and rid myself of the loss of smell and taste in just six days. It took a few more days after that for my energy to bounce back.

Many of the long haul symptoms present the same as some of the nutrient deficiencies outlined below, especially magnesium & Vitamin D deficiency. I’m also left ot wonder if there are trace amounts of the virus still in those experiencing long haul symptoms like loss of taste and smell, but this is just a wonder, nothing I have researched to find evidence for.


“Fourteen observational studies offer evidence that serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations are inversely correlated with the incidence or severity of COVID-19. The evidence to date generally satisfies Hill’s criteria for causality in a biological system, namely, strength of association, consistency, temporality, biological gradient, plausibility (e.g., mechanisms), and coherence, although experimental verification is lacking.

When searching for COVID 19 + Vitamin D, there are 762 results, so lots of information to read.

So what can you do about it if you have COVID or are experiencing long haul symptoms.? Good news, there are two good solutions.

The first is to expose as much skin as possible to the sun between the hours of 10 AM and 2 PM. This is the BEST way to increase Vitamin D levels. When the sun hits the skin, cholesterol is synthesized into previtamin D, which is then sent to the liver and converted into vitamin D3 – the useable form for cells. Since cholesterol is also used for its purpose in this process, it can decrease cholesterol levels. It is important to note that vitamin D cannot be synthesized in the skin through sunblock, glass, clouds or chlorine.

The second option is a vitamin D supplement. In my experience, this does not work as well as sunshine but it is helpful. Since I had COVID in February, it was my only option. With supplements, I always recommend the highest quality as low quality supplements can do more harm than good. I also like to use liquid supplements whenever possible because they can be more readily absorbed into the body and won’t cause as much extra work for the liver. This is my vitamin D supplement of choice that I use in the winter as the sun is simply not at an angle to convert cholesterol into vitamin D here in upstate NY. This supplement is sprayed under the tongue for immediate absorption into the bloodstream.


Probiotics are a collection of bacteria, yeasts, fungus and viruses that are beneficial to the human host. They exist everywhere on the human body, both inside and out and their job is to keep the human host free from the harmful strains of bacteria, yeasts, fungus & viruses.

Hand sanitizer, Clorox and all of the “anti-microbial” products we have been advised to use during the COVID outbreak, also kill the beneficial microbes….which is the opposite of what we should be doing. Washing the hands with warm water and soap, removes harmful microbes but allows the beneficial microbes populated on your skin to remain healthy and happy.

During the previous two SARS outbreaks in Asia, Korea was very successful in taming the virus because so many of its citizens eat kimchi regularly. Kimchi is a fermented food that is bursting with probiotics.

There are a few ways that you can use probiotic rich foods to heal COVID symptoms as well as a probiotic supplement. If you are already familiar with eating ferments, consume lots of sauerkraut, kimchi milk kefir and kombucha. If you are experiencing the stomach vomits and diarrhea symptoms of COVID, fermented pickles are excellent for taming that.

In addition to the fermented foods, I used this probiotic supplement to help with my symptoms of loss of taste and smell. This probiotic comes in powder form. Put ¼ – ½ of a packet into your mouth right before you go to sleep. Don’t drink anything or eat anything afterwards. It’s okay to swallow. The probiotics will get to work in your mouth and on your throat, fighting off the invading virus. They will also make their way up into your sinus canal and nose, driving out the COVID virus.

When ill, we often focus on vitamin’s for healing, but there’s much evidence that those who experienced severe COVID symptoms and long haul symptoms exhibit multi-mineral deficiencies. Vitamin D works with these minerals and minerals work together, never alone.


Magnesium is an essential mineral that is used in by the body to fight off invading microbes. It can also be used by the invading microbes to replicate and grow in colony size. Many people in the US are magnesium deficient. In my experience and according to scientific research, magnesium deficiency is linked to more severe COVID infections.

I use and recommend this magnesium supplement. It’s a liquid supplement, which allows more of the magnesium to be absorbed and doesn’t require the digestive tract to do a lot of work like a supplement in pill form will. The liquid supplement also allows you to adjust the amount when you reach the point of saturation in your body. This is difficult to do with a magnesium pill supplement.

Full disclose, I receive a commission on the sale of this magnesium product. I do however use it myself daily. If you decide to purchase this supplement, thank you very much and here’s a discount code that can be used for 10% off your first purchase. GRACEBENKOVITZ

Here are directions on how to prepare and take the magnesium supplement.


“While a variety of data on the association of the individual zinc status with viral and respiratory tract infections are available, study evidence regarding COVID-19 is so far missing but can be assumed as was indicated by others and is detailed in this perspective, focusing on re-balancing of the immune response by zinc supplementation. Especially, the role of zinc in viral-induced vascular complications has barely been discussed, so far. Interestingly, most of the risk groups described for COVID-19 are at the same time groups that were associated with zinc deficiency. As zinc is essential to preserve natural tissue barriers such as the respiratory epithelium, preventing pathogen entry, for a balanced function of the immune system and the redox system, zinc deficiency can probably be added to the factors predisposing individuals to infection and detrimental progression of COVID-19. Finally, due to its direct antiviral properties, it can be assumed that zinc administration is beneficial for most of the population, especially those with suboptimal zinc status.”

There are 376 published articles in when searching with the keywords COVID = ZINC.

You can find a liquid zinc supplement through my RNA affiliate like. I add it to my magnesium supplement water that I sip on daily.


“The elemental metal, Silver (Ag) has broad spectrum antimicrobial action against various bacteria, fungi and viruses. Due to their versatility, Ag nanoparticles (AgNP) have currently found their way as a microbicide for biological surfaces in various forms such as wound dressings, medical devices, deodorant sprays and fabrics. Several studies have demonstrated the potent antiviral action of AgNPs against various human pathogenic viruses such as Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), Influenza virus, Norovirus, Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) [1]. “

RNA reset offers an excellent colloidal nano silver supplement too!


When I lost my smell and taste it was one of the weirdest things I have ever experienced. I used good ole’ garlic to help get my smell back. Heat a pot of filtered or well water and take off the stove once it comes to a rolling boil. Add a clove or two of grated garlic. Put your head directly over the steam and cover your head with a towel or cloth so that all of the heat stays in. Inhale deeply through your nose until you can’t stand the sauna like atmosphere anymore. Take a break and repeat. Do this up to 3-4 times per day.


When I had COVID, I drank lots of herbal teas daily, but ginger tea was one that helped greatly to bring back my taste. You can buy high quality ginger tea, Traditional Medicinal has a great Ginger Aid tea. I wanted something more potent, so I grated about ½ inch ginger root and steeped it in boiling water for about 10 minutes and sipped. Since I couldn’t taste anything anyway, I made the ginger root tea much stronger than I would when I can taste. If you can get your hands on turmeric root (I find that it’s available seasonally in the winter here in upstate NY but scarce any other time of the year), grate up some of that and add it to the tea too.

In addition to mega-dosing on all of the above items during the time I was infected with COVID, I also was careful to only consume high quality, traditional foods like broths, meats and vegetables. I knew my body was working in overdrive to fight off the infection and I didn’t want to give it any more work by eating foods laden with sugar and/or highly processed food ingredients.


I also squeezed a lot of fresh lemon juice into my magnesium supplement water and used honey liberally in herbal tea. Both of these foods items have been used for millennium to alleviate respiratory and other commonly spread illnesses.

Also, REST. I didn’t necessarily nap, although my husband did, a lot. But I did sit on the couch and watch TV all day long. COVID depleted my nutrient stores, my probiotics and my energy. So I took supported myself with little body movement and let my amazing microbes, liver and immune system do the work. I also went outside to get some fresh air. I just made sure to hang out in my backyard away from any neighbors.

I hope this is helpful to those who are treating COVID at home and to those who are experiencing long haul symptoms. Your body can heal, when given all the right tools.

Bee Well,
