
Monthly Archives: August 2021


How to heal some COVID – 19 symptoms and long haul symptoms

In late February of 2021, I believe I had COVID-19. While I didn’t get tested for it, two members of my immediate household did test positive and I was in the house with them, in close quarters for many weeks. I presented with the classic COVID symptoms of complete loss of taste and smell for [...]


What is allopathic medicine and why is it failing so many of its customers?

Allopathic medicine is a system in which medical doctors and healthcare professionals treat symptoms and diseases using drugs, radiation or surgery. It doesn’t take individuals into consideration, instead it puts us into categories and treats people in these categories in the same manner. In allopathic medicine, there is little to no emphasis on the lifestyle [...]


What is health?

Ask 100 people and you're likely to get 100 different answers. To me, health is the absence of disease and only occasionally becoming susceptible to commonly spread illnesses. Health is confidence in my body that it can heal itself, given the right tools. Health is freedom to live my life on my terms, without fear. [...]

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