


Mindset for easy, life long health

Most people don’t even bother changing habits that they know are slowing killing them like food choices, smoking or moving their body as little as possible because they don’t know where to start. They have a mindset that it will be the most difficult thing ever to change. They think that people who have successfully [...]


Why I love walking in a colder temperature

Ever since college when I discovered that I could shed a lot of excess weight, while continuing to drink pitchers of beer by myself, simply by walking to my off campus apartment every day rather than taking for the bus (I also arrived at my home before the bus would have even left campus…), I [...]


Walking, the undervalued exercise

Many Optimal Health Warriors are in need of improving their exercise habit (myself included!). Forget the grandiose visions of a regimented daily exercise routine that begins in X amount of days and involves an amount of discipline and time that you have never given exercise before or at least not since you played organized sports [...]

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