
Why I love walking in a colder temperature

Ever since college when I discovered that I could shed a lot of excess weight, while continuing to drink pitchers of beer by myself, simply by walking to my off campus apartment every day rather than taking for the bus (I also arrived at my home before the bus would have even left campus…), I [...]

Take the Stress out of Food Part 1: Always Know What You are Eating

First I want to congratulate Shannon & Peter for winning the water kefir grain give-away. Their grains are happily acclimating to their new homes and are producing some really delicious water kefir (I tried some, it’s really great!). I learned from the contest that many of you struggle with changing your eating habits and that [...]

Love your Bacteria Buddies

I have been improving my health for the past eleven years and for the past year and a half I have been virtually free of any type of illness. The only exception is that I have had three sinus infections…and I will get back to that in a bit. During this same year and a [...]

New Year’s Resolution, get to know a farmer!

January 1, 2016 I am not a big proponent of New Year’s Resolutions. We tend to set lofty, unachievable goals and roughly one out of three resolutions gets tossed aside by the end of January. And 73% of resolution makers never achieve their goals… Rather than making New Year’s Resolutions, I work to continually improve [...]

Tis’ the season for sleep deprivation

Here we are, right in the throes of the American holiday season. The tame and restful (well for most, except those who did the cooking…) Thanksgiving Day feast is behind us and the frenzied, over indulgent Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza pre-season is here! For most of us that means overcommitting ourselves, consuming throngs of sugary treats [...]

Walking, the undervalued exercise

Many Optimal Health Warriors are in need of improving their exercise habit (myself included!). Forget the grandiose visions of a regimented daily exercise routine that begins in X amount of days and involves an amount of discipline and time that you have never given exercise before or at least not since you played organized sports [...]

Focus on self to decrease clutter and stress

One morning last week I found myself annoyed because of household items that family members had not put away. Like the empty beverage container that at least was not put back in the refrigerator (yay, tiny victory!) but was instead left out on the counter. I was annoyed because the offender seemingly could not be [...]

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